QCubed Examples Site

This is a collection of many small examples that demonstrate the functionality in QCubed. Later examples tend to build upon functionality or concepts that are discussed in prior ones, which allows the Examples site to be viewed as a quasi-tutorial. However, you should still feel free to check out any of the examples as you wish.

The Examples are broken into three main parts: the Code Generator, the QForm and QControl Library, and Other QCubed Functionality.

* Some of the examples (marked with a "*") use the Examples Site Database. This database (which consists of six tables and some preloaded sample data) is included in the Examples Site directories. See Basic CodeGen > About the Database for more information.

QForms is a stateful, event-driven architecture for web-based forms, providing the display and presentation functionality for QCubed. Basically, it is your "V" and "C" of the MVC architecture.

Sections 4 - 10 are examples on how to use the QForm and QControl libraries within the QCubed Development Framework.

4. Basic QForms - An introduction to QForms and QControls

5. Basic AJAX in QForms - A look at how to AJAX-enable your QForms

6. More About Events and Actions - Looking more in depth at the capabilities of the QEvent and QAction libraries

7. Paginated Controls - The QDataGrid and QDataRepeater controls

8. Advanced Controls Manipulation - Dynamically creating controls, Implementing custom controls

9. Advanced AJAX - Advanced AJAX functionality like drag and drop, selection and cinematic effects

10. Other Advanced Controls - A collection of examples for some of the more advanced/complex QControls