What time is it?

QCubed includes several different QControls that assist with user input of dates and datetimes.

QDateTimePicker is the "default" control, in that the templates for MetaControls for tables with date or datetime columns will, by default, generate QDateTimePicker instances. While not "sexy" or glamourous by any stretch of the imagination, it offers an immense amount of utility, in that it allows for very distinct control over date, time and datetime components. By contrast, the DHTML-based QCalendar control offers, by definition, no support for any time-based component.

QDateTimeTextBox allows for textbox-based input of date and datetime values, utilizing QDateTime's constructor to parse a wide number of date and datetime formats.

And finally, QCalendar is a jQuery-based visual calendar picker control.


QDateTimePicker (Date only)
QDateTimePicker (Date and Time)