Unattended Installation for Plugins

When you're developing a plugin, it's often awkward to try to click-click-click through the Plugin Manager every time when you want to get the plugin going. Wouldn't it be great if you could just drop a plugin .zip file somewhere, and have it installed quickly?

If you're configuring a brand new QCubed install, and you want to set up a few favorite plugins of yours, you also may want to save time and install a bunch of plugins at once.

Unattended plugin installer to the rescue! Just place any of the plugin .zip files under includes/tmp/plugin.install, and launch the /assets/_core/php/_devtools/plugin_unattended.php file in your browser. That utility will attempt to install every one of the plugins in that plugin.install folder, and give you detailed status on the results.

Note that if you want to do run this utility remotely, you'll have to configure the AllowRemoteAdmin settings in configuration.inc.php.